
Week 13

In this final week, we have finished our project for the demo and presentation. We have a meeting on Monday to make sure our demo is on track. We tried to make our demo as professional as possible. I think the demo was stressful but it went well in the end.  For our project, we finished with 2 main features and 2 side features. Two main features are notes and expense. Two side features are report and dashboard. They function as we expect but it still has some small bugs to fix. Every software has bugs; if it does not, it is because you can find them.  Our team plan is that we will fix some bugs, improve the Facebook log-in (implement it to backend), make the whole web responsive (changing when using on mobile), make the web's UI more consistent (same color and styling for the whole app), and add one or two features (optional - profile). Finally, we will deploy the project in the summer. We hope it will help our resume look better. Below are some photos of our webs:  ...

Week 12 - Authentication Flow

 This week's blog will cover the Authentication flow. We have implemented the authentication flow from Week 5, but over time, the flow has changed and the UX has improved drastically. We switched from using the full page to using a modal to display the login and sign-up form, which improves the smoothness of our flow. Here's a quick look at our authentication flow as of now: We also implemented the Google Authentication flow which is accessible via the G button below our main sign-in buttons. We are planning to revamp the UI as the final deadline approaches. Stay tuned for our next blog to see our improvements on the app. 

Week 11

 This week, we updated the note function when the user can add even and update the complete state in a convenient way. Moreover, we also separate them into different tabs so people can see what they completed easier. Another thing we improved was the graph when it instantly updates about expense condition and to-do list, which you completed or in progress. With this update, people can keep track of tasks in 3 days or in the week, which makes sure that people forget tasks or overusing money.

Week 10 - Dashboard Page

Hi everyone. Starlings started Week 10 by introducing the Dashboard page to our productivity application. Within this view, the user will get a quick glance at how they are doing during the day. There will be mini summaries for every page in the application, including Expense and Note. Take a look at the image below to see the Dashboard screen: Dashboard screen The way we implement this Dashboard page is simple, yet efficient. We utilized our code from other pages to create information specifically for the current date. While the user has the access to all information on the pages themselves, we intended to provide only a quick snapshot for that day to save the user some time browsing through all pages. We created a separate reducer to store all the data we needed to display the Dashboard instead of using the already-existing reducers for other pages. By doing so, the Dashboard page will be independent and will not break if there are any, even minor, changes to other pages. Card Compon...

Week 9

This week, we worked on the functions of the todo list page and the Expenses Page, to update the items and deleting the items on the list by calling the backend functions using POST, DELETE functions, and connected with the Firebase database system. In the Expenses Page, we also added a filtering function that filters the list of Expenses/Income by date (today, most recent, one week) and type (expenses, income). We will have to add filtering function to the todo list too, where we filter by progress (i.e in progress, completed, or not started).   For next week, we are going to be working on the Reports page to show what the user's progress is by seeing how many tasks are overdue, or how much the expenses are compared to income by using the data to make graphs. We will also brush up the UIs for our functions in the Notes and Expenses page to make it look better and easier for users to navigate. The Dashboard will also show the data from todo list and expenses, which we will wor...

Week 8

 For this week, we have the first sprint on Thursday. We have to have some parts done before it. Therefore, our main goal is to have the web app running correctly with some main features.  Our first main feature is the notes part. It is To-Do List. We have a calendar that users can pick the date to put to-do items with the add button; they can write down the title and description of the to-do item. After they added, the to-do item will show on the list next to the calendar.  Our second main feature is the expenses part. It helps keep track of expenses. It has an info box with the amount of spending, earning expenses, and total. Users have an add button to put the expense items into the list.   Our plan for next week is to have google authentication for sign-in, more options to deal with the notes part, more options to deal with the expenses part, and display info on the dashboard.    

Week 7

 Our group has done all the individual projects so we can focus mainly on our team project.  During this week, Duc has finished his backend: sign in and sign up page. So, we have connected the user with the web. From this, we can easily connect with the database in each feature.  From this, our group can start to work deeper into the features of the web. We will have 4 main features in the app: dashboard, todolist, expense, and graph. We have assigned each member different tasks and features. Our main goal is to finish the layout and some data transfer for the next sprint.  Below are some of our researches for libraries in our features:  react-datepicker - npm ( Article: How to use react-datepicker to build better internal apps ( react-quill - npm ( (For note taking): React/ReactJS: Rich Text Editor (w/ React-Quill) (