Week 7

 Our group has done all the individual projects so we can focus mainly on our team project. 

During this week, Duc has finished his backend: sign in and sign up page. So, we have connected the user with the web. From this, we can easily connect with the database in each feature. 

From this, our group can start to work deeper into the features of the web. We will have 4 main features in the app: dashboard, todolist, expense, and graph. We have assigned each member different tasks and features. Our main goal is to finish the layout and some data transfer for the next sprint. 

Below are some of our researches for libraries in our features:

  •  react-datepicker - npm (npmjs.com)
    • Article: How to use react-datepicker to build better internal apps (retool.com)
  • react-quill - npm (npmjs.com)
    • (For note taking): React/ReactJS: Rich Text Editor (w/ React-Quill) (scriptverse.academy)


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