Week 8

 For this week, we have the first sprint on Thursday. We have to have some parts done before it. Therefore, our main goal is to have the web app running correctly with some main features. 

Our first main feature is the notes part. It is To-Do List. We have a calendar that users can pick the date to put to-do items with the add button; they can write down the title and description of the to-do item. After they added, the to-do item will show on the list next to the calendar. 

Our second main feature is the expenses part. It helps keep track of expenses. It has an info box with the amount of spending, earning expenses, and total. Users have an add button to put the expense items into the list.  

Our plan for next week is to have google authentication for sign-in, more options to deal with the notes part, more options to deal with the expenses part, and display info on the dashboard.  



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