Week 2

    For this week, there are two tasks: Tech Tutorial and Final Team Idea. 
    For the Tech Tutorial, our group has two teams. One team is working on React Bootstraps and one team is working on React Hooks. 
    For the Final Team Idea, we have changed and improved our idea for the team project. This week, we received feedback for our Team Project Proposal. The feedback is very useful so we decided to adjust our project. 
  • We will focus on the to-do-list feature. The app will have a dashboard, to-do-list, and report. 
  • Users can select a date from the calendar and add the todos items to that due date. If users do not need the due date, they can choose the "Create" button to make new to-do items without any due date; items with the due date can use the "Create" button too. 
  • Then, each item will have a tag (the name of that checklist)
    • Finish group project (tag: CSC490, homework)
    • Do Biology HW (tag: BIOL314, homework)
    • Take the trash out (tag: chores)
    • Make dinner (tag: chores)
  • The app also has a filter for tags. Users can filter and pick the right tag. It will lead users to the to-do-list of that tag.
  • Users can click on the items to modify, delete, or check for complete. If the users finish a whole to-do-list, they will receive a star.
This is one of our new storyboard:


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